Hong Kong’s top court upholds convictions of 7 prominent pro-democracy activists over 2019 protest

Hong Kong’s top court has upheld the convictions of seven prominent pro-democracy activists over their involvement in the 2019 anti-government protests. The Court of Final Appeal rejected their appeals on Thursday, marking a significant blow to the city’s pro-democracy movement.

The activists, including media tycoon Jimmy Lai and former lawmakers Martin Lee and Margaret Ng, were convicted last year for their roles in organizing and participating in unauthorized assemblies during the mass protests that rocked Hong Kong in 2019. They were sentenced to between eight and 18 months in prison.

The Court of Final Appeal’s decision to uphold their convictions comes amid a broader crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong. Since the imposition of a controversial national security law by Beijing in 2020, authorities have arrested hundreds of pro-democracy activists, journalists, and lawmakers, and have cracked down on political freedoms in the semi-autonomous territory.

The ruling has been met with widespread condemnation from human rights groups and pro-democracy activists, who see it as a further erosion of Hong Kong’s freedoms and rule of law. Amnesty International called the decision a “grave injustice” and warned that it sends a chilling message to anyone who dares to speak out against the government.

The activists have vowed to continue their fight for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong, despite the court’s decision. Jimmy Lai, who is currently serving a prison sentence for his role in the protests, said in a statement that the ruling only strengthens his resolve to continue the struggle for freedom and justice.

The international community has also expressed concern over the deteriorating situation in Hong Kong. The United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom have all condemned the court’s decision and called on the Hong Kong authorities to respect the rights of the activists and uphold the rule of law.

As Hong Kong continues to grapple with political unrest and a crackdown on dissent, the fate of the pro-democracy movement remains uncertain. But the activists have made it clear that they will not be silenced, and will continue to fight for their right to freedom of expression and democracy in the city.

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