UN Security Council adopts US draft resolution supporting Gaza cease-fire deal

The United Nations Security Council has adopted a draft resolution put forward by the United States in support of a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The resolution calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and reaffirms the importance of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The cease-fire deal, brokered by Egypt, came into effect on May 20 after 11 days of intense fighting that left hundreds dead and thousands injured. The resolution was passed unanimously by the 15-member Security Council, signaling a unified international support for the cease-fire agreement.

US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, spoke in support of the resolution, stating that “the United States believes this resolution is critical to ending the violence, to saving lives, and to getting the parties back to the table.” She emphasized the need for both parties to adhere to the terms of the cease-fire and work towards a lasting peace in the region.

The resolution also calls for the immediate provision of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, who have been severely impacted by the recent violence. It emphasizes the need for the reconstruction of infrastructure and the delivery of essential services to the population.

The adoption of the resolution comes after weeks of international pressure on both Israel and Hamas to end the violence and return to the negotiating table. The US has been actively involved in diplomatic efforts to de-escalate the situation and bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The Security Council’s support for the cease-fire deal is a positive step towards de-escalating tensions in the region and providing much-needed relief to the people of Gaza. It is hoped that the resolution will pave the way for renewed efforts towards a comprehensive peace agreement that addresses the underlying issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As the international community continues to monitor the situation in Gaza, it is imperative that all parties involved uphold their commitments under the cease-fire agreement and work towards a sustainable peace that benefits all those affected by the conflict. The adoption of the US draft resolution by the Security Council is a significant milestone in this direction and sets the stage for further diplomatic efforts towards a lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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