WATCH: By the Numbers: US economy a main focus at the RNC

The Republican National Convention (RNC) is in full swing, and one of the main focuses of the event is the state of the US economy. As President Trump seeks re-election, his administration is touting their economic achievements and laying out their plans for continued growth.

One of the key talking points at the RNC is the impressive numbers that the US economy has seen under President Trump. In a video released by the RNC, titled “By the Numbers,” viewers are presented with a series of statistics that highlight the economic progress made during Trump’s first term in office.

For example, the video states that before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the US economy was thriving with record low unemployment rates, particularly for minority groups. It also points out that under Trump’s leadership, the stock market reached all-time highs and GDP growth was strong.

The video goes on to highlight the administration’s efforts to revitalize American manufacturing, renegotiate trade deals, and provide tax cuts for businesses and individuals. It also emphasizes the importance of deregulation in boosting economic growth and job creation.

However, the video also acknowledges the challenges that the US economy has faced in recent months due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. It mentions the swift action taken by the Trump administration to provide economic relief to businesses and individuals through programs like the Paycheck Protection Program and stimulus checks.

Overall, the “By the Numbers” video presents a positive outlook on the state of the US economy under President Trump’s leadership. It aims to convince voters that Trump is the best choice to continue steering the country towards economic prosperity in the years to come.

As the RNC continues, it is clear that the US economy will remain a central focus of the event. With the November election fast approaching, both parties are making their case to voters on which candidate is best equipped to lead the country out of the economic challenges posed by the pandemic and towards a brighter future.

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