Trump trial live updates: Michael Cohen says Stormy Daniels story would have been ‘catastrophic’

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen testified before Congress on Wednesday, revealing new details about his involvement in hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels and other potentially damaging information about President Trump.

During his testimony, Cohen claimed that he was directed by Trump to pay off Daniels in order to keep her from going public with her allegations of an affair with the President. Cohen said that the story would have been “catastrophic” for Trump’s campaign if it had come out before the 2016 election.

Cohen also provided evidence of checks signed by Trump himself that were used to reimburse him for the payments to Daniels. This contradicts Trump’s previous denials of any involvement in the hush money payments.

The testimony from Cohen, who once famously said he would “take a bullet” for Trump, is seen as a significant blow to the President’s credibility. Cohen admitted to lying to Congress in the past and is now cooperating with federal prosecutors as part of a plea deal in his own criminal case.

The Trump administration has dismissed Cohen’s testimony as coming from a convicted liar who has no credibility. Trump himself has called Cohen a “rat” and a “fraud” on Twitter.

Despite these attacks, Cohen’s testimony has already had a major impact on the ongoing investigations into Trump’s conduct. Democrats in Congress are using the testimony as further evidence of potential wrongdoing by the President, and are vowing to continue their investigations into his business dealings and campaign activities.

As the Trump trial continues to unfold, the public will be eagerly watching for more bombshell revelations from Cohen and other key witnesses. The outcome of these investigations could have far-reaching implications for the Trump presidency and the future of American politics.

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